On-line registration starts soon at the end  of February  2016. You will be able to enjoy early registration fees.

If you wish to organize a workshop, you can make a workshop proposal and submit it. Even if you have no partners of the workshop, you can ask the secretariat to provide you with information on prospective partners.   

Please read  the following before making registration. If you plan to organize a workshop, you can submit a workshop proposal  before  making  registration. 



  • Online registration is available through the Metropolis2016 website from the end of February, 2016.  


Deadline for Early Bird Registration:October 23, 2016.

From  October 24, participants are able to register both on-line and on-site. -All dates are in Japan Standard Time





- All payments must be made in Japanese Yen.*1





(Until August 29, 2016)

(From August30, 2016)

Registration fee includes…

Full Conference


JPY 50,000

JPY 70,000


Study Tour,


Cultural Events,

and Farewell Dinner

Delegate from developing countries with participation in a workshop*2

JPY 35,000

JPY 50,000



One Day*4 (Per Day): Delegate

Oct 24, 25, 26, or 27(excluding farewell dinner)

JPY 20,000

JPY 30,000

Sessions and Lunch of the Day Applied

Oct 27(including farewell dinner)

JPY 25,000

JPY 35,000

Sessions and Lunch of the Day Applied and Farewell Dinner

Oct 28

JPY 20,000

JPY 25,000

Sessions and Lunch of the Day Applied

One Day*4 (Per Day):

Delegate from developing countries with participation in a workshop*2, NGO, and Student*3

Oct 24, 25, 26, 27(excluding farewell dinner),

or 28

JPY 15,000

JPY 20,000

Sessions and Lunch of the Day Applied

Oct 27(including farewell dinner)

JPY 20,000

JPY 25,000

Sessions and Lunch of the Day Applied and Farewell Dinner


Accompanying Person*5

JPY 20,000

JPY 30,000

Sessions, Study tour, Lunches, Cultural Events and Farewell Dinner


*1 Currency exchange rate as of  January  2016 was  1USD122 (JPY) 1EURO132 (JPY).


To check out the latest rate, please visit the currency curriculator 



*2  Special  fees are applied to those who applied for workshop and live in developing countries. The list of developing countries /regions depends on the classification of the World Bank. Please check out the list of developing countries.  To apply for this special fees, you need to obtain an ID No. of Workshop Application by submitting proposals first. To apply for workshop, please visit Workshop Proposal .



 *3 Please be advised that student fees do not apply to adult students with full time jobs. Students will be required to submit a scanned copy (in either jpeg or pdf format) of their student ID or student certificate letter from their supervisors via online registration form.




*4 To participate in the Conference for more than 2 days, please apply for the “Full Conference” registration.




*5 Accompanying persons are limited to the participants’ family member in principle. However,  those who belong to the same institution as the participant does, can be regarded as accompanying persons, when it is necessary for the persons to accompany the participant.  In the registration format, please click "others",  when  these accompanying persons are not family members.      



Payment must be made in Japanese Yen and can be made by one of the following methods: 

- Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club, AMEX or JCB)

- Bank transfer to: 

The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
Shin-Marunouchi Branch
1-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0005 Japan
Tel: +81-3-3211-2473
Account Name: Metropolis 2016
Account No.: (Ordinary Account): 3344512

Any bank charges including the ones of paying banks or intermediary banks should be borne by the applicants.

 If the remittance covers more than one person, please inform us of the name of each participant.

 Receipt will be provided at the conference site. If you need it in advance, please contact the Registration Office.



A confirmation email will be sent to your registered e-mail address print out the confirmation email and present it at the registration desk to receive the conference materials and a printed receipt.


If you do not receive it within 24 hours, please contact the Registration Office.




If you cancel your participation in the conference, please be sure to notify the registration office by e-mail or fax immediately. The following cancellation fee will be applied, based on the date when the office receives notification of cancellation. All refunds will be made after the conference. 



When written notice of cancellation received:

The Date of Receipt of Your Notification

Cancellation Fee

Until August 29, 2016

No cancellation fee

From August 30, 2016 through October 11, 2016

50% of the registration fee

From October 12, 2016

100% of the registration fee (No refund)




Important information on Visa and Visa exemption,  visit the website of Japanese  Ministry of Foreign Affairs :     Visa / Exemption 


 If your country is not in the  list of visa exemption,  you need to obtain a visa before entering Japan. 

The organizer will provide you with assistance for preparing the document for visa application. The assistance will begin from late July 2016, since Japanese Embassy accepts visa application from three months before the Conference. Please note that the document will be provided to only the participants who have completed the registration with full payment of the fee.   If you need the document or have any inquiry, please contact Visa Support Office below.



 Visa Application Start: Late July 2016

 Deadline of Visa Application*: September 23, 2016


* Please note that you are required to complete your registration with full payment of the fee before the deadline. You are encouraged to start preparation as soon as possible in order to ensure your visa acquirement. 


For any inquiries about registration, please contact: 

Registration Office of Metropolis 2016 

c/o JTB Communication Design, Inc.

(former ICS Convention Design, Inc.)

Celestine Shiba Mitsui Bldg. 3-23-1, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8335, Japan


TEL: +81-3-5657-0789  

FAX: +81-3-3452-8552 E-mail: 


You can fill out the registration form from the next button and submit it from the end of February 2016.  If you have already submitted a workshop proposal, please fill the ID of workshop in the form of registration.  

It is strongly recommended to book your accommodation as soon as possible in or near Nagoya City in order to find a room in a hotel, an inn or an apartment house adequate for you. You may have enough choices if you book at least three months (hopefully six months) before the conference.      Visit  "Accommodation".   


Nagoya Congress Center is located in Kanayama Area. In addition, you have good access to Nagoya Convention Center from Fushimi/ Sakae area  and Nagoya Station area.  Transportation to Nagoya Congress Center is explained in :  "Venue"  

Beside registration, you can submit a proposal on workshop through the "Workshop Proposal".